Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) is on air Wednesdays around midnight EST. Join us by phone at (818)572.2947. This is PTSD Awareness Month, and we want everyone who battles with PTSD to know we support you. Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) announced $15 million in funding for Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is included in the appropriations bill. Thank you for small beginnings, U.S. Congress. NAMI has pledged support for "Helping Familes in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015," saying "Representatives Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) have introduced HR 2646, the 'Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015.' This introduction begins a legislative process toward mental health reform, which is long overdue. NAMI has submitted a letter of support to Representatives Murphy and Johnson indicating our appreciation of their leadership and our commitment to work with them to pass comprehensive mental health legislation." Research the bill online, and please urge your congressional representatives to support it. If they are not prison investors or bribed by private prison companies' lobbyists, they will support H.R.2646.
More people are becoming aware of the injustice of imprisoning rather than treating mental illness before crises because of AIMI. In prisons and jails, all mentally ill inmates are treated inhumanely, especially African Americans and Hispanics, who are starved to death, boiled to death, beaten to death, Tasered to death, baked to death, and driven to suicide by solitary confinement torture, all without any accountability being demanded of abusive corrections officers or their superiors. Mentally ill people are victims in more than 50 percent of police violence incidents. We attribute all three victories listed above to you, the People who stand up for the human rights of persons with serious mental illness. Homelessness, prison, and death must cease being America's response to serious mental illness. Thank you for giving "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" and to people who live behind bars or under the threat of arrest because of a common, treatable health condition.
More people are becoming aware of the injustice of imprisoning rather than treating mental illness before crises because of AIMI. In prisons and jails, all mentally ill inmates are treated inhumanely, especially African Americans and Hispanics, who are starved to death, boiled to death, beaten to death, Tasered to death, baked to death, and driven to suicide by solitary confinement torture, all without any accountability being demanded of abusive corrections officers or their superiors. Mentally ill people are victims in more than 50 percent of police violence incidents. We attribute all three victories listed above to you, the People who stand up for the human rights of persons with serious mental illness. Homelessness, prison, and death must cease being America's response to serious mental illness. Thank you for giving "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" and to people who live behind bars or under the threat of arrest because of a common, treatable health condition.
Please help our advocacy work to continue its victories by purchasing a very well-written book by a lifelong human rights advocate who has bipolar disorder: "Bloody Toombs" by Bob Darby now available through Amazon! > Read a long, free preview at this site. Select "look inside" at the Amazon webpage. Darby came of age as a privileged Caucasian in the Deep South during the civil rights movement and Vietnam War era. He always opposed racism and avoidable wars. His stance against both created a serious rift between himself and conservative whites who were his prominent family and friends. Darby attended Ivy League universities in the Northeast after attaining his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Emory University in the 1960's, and attended Harvard and Tufts on a full scholarship because of his high intelligence level. However, Darby is also a bipolar man who experienced arrests and homeliness during his psychotic crises. His training in psychology helped him to vividly explain his psychosis like we have never read before.
Travel with Darby through America's most turbulent time periods during social upheavals caused by racism, war, sexual freedom, and drugs, and observe the changes in how mental illness was dealt with then and now. Thank you in advance for your "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" by your purchase of this book, which is like "Forest Gump" and "Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First Hundred Years" in that the memoir and allegory helps us to explore the history of issues that have universal importance.
Darby is founder of the Atlanta chapter of "Food Not Bombs," which he directed for over a decade and provided thousands of meals to homeless people using his own money as well as donations. He continues to be a peace activist and is a Georgia coordinator of the "School of The Americas Watch." I met Darby at a "Save Troy Davis" rally over a decade ago and have been friends with him ever since. I learned that Darby and his friends from universities Up North traveled to my hometown in Fayette County, Tennessee in the late 1960's to help African Americans register to vote during our county's Tent City era. Darby's book will make readers feel like they were actually at the riot in Harvard Square over the war and draft and sitting with him in Toombs County, Georgia the night that the Freedom Riders drove through without stopping because of the great assembly of whites with rifles, Confederate flags, and burning torches waiting to attack and kill the "uppity Nigras and Nigger-lovers" thereon. I rely on you to share this invitation to read the preview of Darby's book at and order your copy from that site or from Create Space at
Travel with Darby through America's most turbulent time periods during social upheavals caused by racism, war, sexual freedom, and drugs, and observe the changes in how mental illness was dealt with then and now. Thank you in advance for your "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" by your purchase of this book, which is like "Forest Gump" and "Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First Hundred Years" in that the memoir and allegory helps us to explore the history of issues that have universal importance.
Darby is founder of the Atlanta chapter of "Food Not Bombs," which he directed for over a decade and provided thousands of meals to homeless people using his own money as well as donations. He continues to be a peace activist and is a Georgia coordinator of the "School of The Americas Watch." I met Darby at a "Save Troy Davis" rally over a decade ago and have been friends with him ever since. I learned that Darby and his friends from universities Up North traveled to my hometown in Fayette County, Tennessee in the late 1960's to help African Americans register to vote during our county's Tent City era. Darby's book will make readers feel like they were actually at the riot in Harvard Square over the war and draft and sitting with him in Toombs County, Georgia the night that the Freedom Riders drove through without stopping because of the great assembly of whites with rifles, Confederate flags, and burning torches waiting to attack and kill the "uppity Nigras and Nigger-lovers" thereon. I rely on you to share this invitation to read the preview of Darby's book at and order your copy from that site or from Create Space at > "Bloody Toombs" will also be available as a Kindle eBook. Thank you in advance for participating in this fundraiser to give "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" and obtain an excellent addition to your summer reading.
The price for "Bloody Toombs" is presently only $26.00, but the price may rise once the book becomes available in bookstores, libraries, colleges and universities this fall. Thank you for ordering your copy now at this introductory low price. Darby has previously shared his memoir and allegory with close personal friends, and this is the first time it has been published for the general public. There is a bootlegger selling copies of "Bloody Toombs" at an online site out of Europe for 84.00 Eruo ($94.00), for which the author receives no proceeds. Patent and trademark attorneys are asked to contact Mary Neal to assist in shutting down this violation against Bob Darby's creative product. We feel that the difference in price should address the issue, but there are many wealthy prison investors in the USA who might prefer to pay three times as much for the book and cheat the author. Neither they nor this bootlegger have scruples, despite their urgency to pass the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement (TPP) with its " ... new standards for Internet access, intellectual property and investor protections ... such trade agreements have resulted in lost manufacturing jobs and lower wages for American workers" (NYTimes).
Hear and share our Blogtalkradio broadcast announcing "Small Victories" by AIMI, if they let you.
Thank you for your support for "Bloody Toombs" and giving Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill by sharing this invitation for a sneak preview at Amazon >.
Mary Neal's Google+ - - Follow me at Twitter @koffietime - - Current, urgent justice issues from a laywoman's viewpoint at my primary blog Full list of MaryLovesJustice blogs and radio broadcasts: email address: (I'm censored, but some emails reach my box. Try to phone me at (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741. If you receive no response within 48 hours, please email or call again. Voice mails are frequently deleted by CoIntelPro-like hackers.)
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Thanks sister Mary Neal. For your hard support to our Mentally ill prisoners and injustice. Our broken Judicial system in USA. NO TREATMENT. NO JUSTICE.